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Date: Mon, 22 Dec 1997 23:04:02 EST
Subject: Great seeing you.

Hi Mom,

We sure had a great time visiting with you and dad Saturday. It was great seeing ya'll again. Thank you for the gifts. They are all wonderful.

Mom, remember you said the other morning, on the phone, that we all have faults, which is true, because "We have all sinned...". But there is a difference between sins we confess, turn from, and try not to do again, and the habitual lifestyle of sin. I Corinthians 5:9-11 tells us to not associate with people that are leading these lifestyles. So, until Jason turns from this lifestyle and as long as get-togethers are with everyone, we will not be there.

I love Jason and pray for him, that God will open his eyes, because I know, based on Galatians 5:19-21, that unless he turns from this sin and comes to God, "he will not inherit the kingdom of God", and that hurts me.

Not only is my decision based on Scripture, but also, I'm not going to lie to myself and the girls and pretend that they are "just friends". Knowing the truth and seeing them together would naturally put thoughts in my mind, the girls' and Steve's. I don't want to expose them to that, nor myself.

Contrary to what you may think, Steve is not telling me how I should feel about this. I'm the one that started searching the Scriptures to know how God wants me to respond to this and Steve helped me find more Scriptures. God has taught me so much through Steve's spiritual leadership over the years, for which I am eternally grateful.

One last thing, just because we are not to associate does not mean I don't love him "unconditionally". The dictionary describes "unconditionally" as "not limited by conditions". My love for Jason is not limited by this "condition". I still love him, but I will obey what the Bible says about the "condition" no matter what others might think. So, to say I'm not loving him "unconditionally" is wrong.

I know you weren't expecting this letter, but I'm tired of having to defend myself over and over. This way, I can let everyone know how I feel and stand on this issue. I know this is important to say, because God woke me up at 2 a.m. in the morning and I couldn't go to sleep. I prayed about this letter for a couple of hours and He told me to come write it all down.

I love you. Have a safe (long) trip. I hope you will be able to rest a lot when you get back.


CC: Dad, by mail
e-mail: Judy, Jim, Jason


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